Any dad son teams in the Chicago area. Have a local tag partner there and looking for another dad son to face us. I am 5’11 210lbs, He is 5’7. 190lbs 28 yo
if you're ever in SF, coach, id gladly take you on - and any son you have with you. to be battled against by an intergenerational tag team is THE most essential match of all.
Trump was raised on construction sites with lots of fights, his son too. Biden is just a blow hard wanting to "take him out behind the barn". All blow and no go. And son is a druggie. that should be fun.
Funny you said that my first match was against an older man wearing only strings in a room full of older men watching us.
We rolled for almost 20 minutes on the bed before I eventually wore him down and forced him to service me in front of everyone
We got some awesome HOT dads and sons here. Tag it up and let's get to it. I LOVE watching two HOT DADS battle it out, add the son tag partners - ELECTRIC.
Dad/son vs dad/son - sons start the tag, when one tags out, they both step out and the dads take over, when one dad tags out, they both step out and the sons take over. This way it stays dad v dad and son v son. Each gets to watch their dad or son fight the other teams dad or son. Keeps the playing field even and the fight is HOT HOT HOT.
Coach, ALL THREE (or four or five or more) of you ! You know Ill do my best to defend myself ; but ill inevitably be beaten down (and then Ill get my just rewards !!!!!)
damn, i need all three of you to beat the fuck outta me ! two dads and a bro – knocking the daylights outta me ; and then, well, pumping something back in me ; which i will take as an honor !
Would be hot to get two tag teams going in a Dad/son vs. Dad/Son match.
Maybe the Dads wrestle first, then the sons, winner of each have to wrestle each other.
Losers wrestle each other.
Any ideas men?
DAMN!!! I would totally love to see the two of you in action against another father & son team in a true tag team match where all of the wrestlers wrestle and not just father vs. father and son vs. son!!! You guys definitely look ready!!
Mark uk (293)
10/06/2019 5:42 AMAny dad son teams in the Chicago area. Have a local tag partner there and looking for another dad son to face us. I am 5’11 210lbs, He is 5’7. 190lbs 28 yo
jobberjayse (31 )
10/06/2019 8:21 PM(In reply to this)
if you're ever in SF, coach, id gladly take you on - and any son you have with you. to be battled against by an intergenerational tag team is THE most essential match of all.
matttmann (0)
10/06/2019 2:23 PM(In reply to this)
Dad in Chicago here, seeking a son to spar w you guys.
Btw, I’d take on your son if you’re both interested.
SFFight (70)
10/01/2019 6:51 AMLOL.... Trump and Trump Jr vs Joe and Hunter
SFFight (70)
10/01/2019 6:22 PM(In reply to this)
In reality, Trump Jr doesn’t have the balls to face off against Hunter and Trump Sr would probably have one of his stooges fill in for himself.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
10/04/2019 5:37 PM(In reply to this)
Trump was raised on construction sites with lots of fights, his son too. Biden is just a blow hard wanting to "take him out behind the barn". All blow and no go. And son is a druggie. that should be fun.
eaturwheaties (12)
10/05/2019 5:24 AM(In reply to this)
ha. trump was raised with golden toilets and nannies.. who the f are ya foolin
Wilmcfight (2)
10/01/2019 3:39 PM(In reply to this)
Now that, I’d love to see
SportsLover (1)
3/17/2018 9:06 AMSub dad here ready for any dad/son wrestling in the NYC area.
KylePA (0)
9/28/2019 4:41 PM(In reply to this)
Looking for a son to wrestle west of Phila PA. I can host
Slam nj (46 )
9/29/2019 5:53 AM(In reply to this)
Che k your message
Harald (1 )
3/13/2018 4:53 PMIs there alpha dad for me??
Wilmcfight (2)
3/17/2018 9:04 PM(In reply to this)
Right here boy
Harald (1 )
3/18/2018 12:01 AM(In reply to this)
Wilmcfight, are you about to handle me?
Wilmcfight (2)
9/29/2019 5:21 PM(In reply to this)
Ready here
KingFight82 (0)
3/16/2018 8:13 AM(In reply to this)
me bro, ill show u
Harald (1 )
3/16/2018 8:16 AM(In reply to this)
love it! finally you show up
8/07/2016 5:27 AMI'm ready to take on any dad or son bring it on cuz
SFFight (70)
8/02/2016 8:31 PMSeattleFight v Kickout
You men need to battle for top dad.
So very sizzling hot when ithe tale of the tape for the fighting dads matches so well.
Buff Poser (0)
8/04/2016 11:50 PM(In reply to this)
sweat hard when i face off against rough men
8/05/2016 2:46 AM(In reply to this)
Let's rough it out
Buff Poser (0)
8/06/2016 8:24 PM(In reply to this)
muscle to muscle beat down
8/07/2016 12:28 AM(In reply to this)
Let beatdown begin
SFFight (70)
8/02/2016 8:02 PMBuff v Kick Out.
I think my "brain" just exploded.
Hot fighting dads are AWESOME.
SFFight (70)
8/01/2016 3:45 PMSeattle and Ruff - epic Dad v Dad battle that would draw a crowd to cheer this fight.
Buff Poser (0)
8/01/2016 3:48 PM(In reply to this)
being watched by a crowd is the ultimate turn on for me
WilliamsJacob93 (0)
7/27/2019 3:19 AM(In reply to this)
Funny you said that my first match was against an older man wearing only strings in a room full of older men watching us.
We rolled for almost 20 minutes on the bed before I eventually wore him down and forced him to service me in front of everyone
7/31/2016 5:50 AMI'll take on any dad in a one on one toe to toe shoulder to shoulder man to man wrestling action match with you
Buff Poser (0)
8/01/2016 3:38 PM(In reply to this)
Dad vs Dad as the muscular son watches thats hot to me
8/01/2016 5:39 PM(In reply to this)
Let's do this
rufwrestler2 (3)
8/01/2016 2:11 PM(In reply to this)
count me in.
8/01/2016 5:44 PM(In reply to this)
I'm ready whenever you are
Buff Poser (0)
8/01/2016 3:15 PM(In reply to this)
your muscled up and great pecs to will be counted in and mounted and pinned muscle to muscle.
SeattleFight (509)
8/01/2016 2:39 PM(In reply to this)
Ruf you know I've wanted to go at it with you hard for years. Let's fight it out dad vs dad
rufwrestler2 (3)
8/01/2016 5:40 PM(In reply to this)
definitely up for it :)
Buff Poser (0)
8/01/2016 5:45 PM(In reply to this)
ya your pecs are flexion ad those nips are swole
Buff Poser (0)
8/01/2016 3:15 PM(In reply to this)
This muscle man here will ref the fight!
8/03/2016 6:09 AM(In reply to this)
Need a referee to a hot wrestling action match
AsianJobber91 (6)
7/29/2016 5:14 PMAny sons or dads want to bring it?
Alpha Destroyer (48)
7/30/2016 1:10 PM(In reply to this)
ready if u are rules n stakes
7/30/2016 10:17 PM(In reply to this)
I'm ready whenever you are cuz
7/30/2016 12:21 AM(In reply to this)
This dad said to bring it on cuz
SeattleFight (509)
7/29/2016 8:23 PM(In reply to this)
Anytime punk!!!
8/04/2016 6:25 AM(In reply to this)
I'm ready punk
ant-tor (6)
7/29/2016 4:52 AMI am so in it too bring I boys sons and dads fathers
7/29/2016 6:03 AM(In reply to this)
I am in for it
SFFight (70)
7/27/2016 5:13 PMWe got some awesome HOT dads and sons here. Tag it up and let's get to it. I LOVE watching two HOT DADS battle it out, add the son tag partners - ELECTRIC.
HudsonOH (36)
7/29/2016 4:52 AM(In reply to this)
Sign me up in the Southwest USA
guy fit (65)
7/29/2016 8:43 AM(In reply to this)
Scottsdale I'll take you on anytime dad v son
8/04/2016 6:26 AM(In reply to this)
I'm ready to take you on
Buff Poser (0)
8/04/2016 11:35 PM(In reply to this)
I got a set go biceps that would be good cinched around that head and neck making you grunt and groan
SeattleFight (509)
7/29/2016 8:04 AM(In reply to this)
Scottsdale you and I need to fight it out dad vs dad
7/29/2016 6:00 AM(In reply to this)
Your on dude
crash31uk2000 (2)
7/26/2016 8:00 AMLove to find a fit yngr guy in the uk
Krasavchik (0)
7/25/2016 11:07 PMI'm looking for dad
7/26/2016 5:42 AM(In reply to this)
Here is your dad
7/24/2016 6:17 PMI'll take on any dad or son
PA Wrestler (48 )
7/24/2016 10:24 AMDon't have a dad to wrestle or tag with..
KickOutChamp (56)
7/24/2016 3:50 PM(In reply to this)
yes you do - bike to Philly kid
PA Wrestler (48 )
7/27/2016 7:45 AM(In reply to this)
Seems we got a lot of attention :3
KickOutChamp (56)
8/02/2016 7:20 PM(In reply to this)
why wouldn't we? you're a stud and I am a Legend
8/03/2016 6:14 AM(In reply to this)
I'm ready to take on a legend
SeattleFight (509)
7/27/2016 8:39 AM(In reply to this)
Bring it on son!
doublearn (32)
7/24/2016 8:23 PM(In reply to this)
I wanna take you on
7/24/2016 8:27 PM(In reply to this)
I'll take you on
SeattleFight (509)
7/24/2016 5:57 PM(In reply to this)
Kick out you and I need to settle this dad vs dad too
KickOutChamp (56)
8/02/2016 7:22 PM(In reply to this)
pfft - I am ready
Buff Poser (0)
8/03/2016 6:55 PM(In reply to this)
great bod on you champ
SeattleFight (509)
8/02/2016 8:21 PM(In reply to this)
Kickout we need to fight again now that we're so evenly matched.
PA Wrestler (48 )
7/27/2016 7:46 AM(In reply to this)
Could I spectate?..
7/27/2016 5:04 PM(In reply to this)
Bring it on cuz
Buff Poser (0)
7/25/2016 9:04 PM(In reply to this)
dad muscle vs dad muscle while muscle sons watch and flex
guy fit (65)
7/26/2016 12:25 AM(In reply to this)
Anytime stud
guy fit (65)
7/24/2016 6:55 PM(In reply to this)
SeattleFight & kickoutchamp, count me in dads
7/26/2016 5:48 AM(In reply to this)
This dad is ready
Buff Poser (0)
7/26/2016 10:48 PM(In reply to this)
Dad is ready to muscle down big dad!
7/27/2016 6:05 AM(In reply to this)
Bring it on
Buff Poser (0)
7/25/2016 9:04 PM(In reply to this)
great body to
SeattleFight (509)
7/24/2016 7:18 PM(In reply to this)
It's on boy!!!!
Mark uk (293)
4/06/2016 9:47 AMSeattlefight/ guy fit vs mark_uk / jay219
doublearn (32)
7/24/2016 8:25 PM(In reply to this)
I'll take you on in NYC
SeattleFight (509)
4/06/2016 2:03 PM(In reply to this)
My boy said it. Grrrrrr fuck yeah! Fight!
Mark uk (293)
4/07/2016 9:12 AM(In reply to this)
Always ready for another dad vs dad with you seattlefight.
wrestlermuc41 (2)
3/02/2016 5:18 PMWäre auch dabei!
7/26/2016 5:41 AM(In reply to this)
I'll take you on
SFFight (70)
2/21/2016 7:12 PMPic of boy is not showing right now - cannot wait to see it stud
SFFight (70)
2/21/2016 5:15 AMDad/son vs dad/son - sons start the tag, when one tags out, they both step out and the dads take over, when one dad tags out, they both step out and the sons take over. This way it stays dad v dad and son v son. Each gets to watch their dad or son fight the other teams dad or son. Keeps the playing field even and the fight is HOT HOT HOT.
jobberjayse (31 )
3/10/2016 10:47 PM(In reply to this)
Im looking for a heel dad – or better yet, heel dad and heel son – to tag team my jock jobber ass in SF ; may I interest you, Sir ?
Dadfights (24)
4/06/2016 5:32 PM(In reply to this)
You know I'll fight you!
But won't do the bareback thing.
Bring it on Son!
7/23/2016 9:47 PM(In reply to this)
Bring it on dad
jobberjayse (31 )
4/07/2016 6:00 PM(In reply to this)
Tell ya what, daddy – if you beat me I will suck you off ; deal ?
7/23/2016 9:48 PM(In reply to this)
Bring it on cuz
jobberjayse (31 )
7/24/2016 5:51 PM(In reply to this)
I surely will, coach ! Please log in to view gallery photos.
7/24/2016 6:15 PM(In reply to this)
Let's do this
SeattleFight (509)
3/11/2016 4:53 PM(In reply to this)
I'll take you down. And bring a boy to join in.
guy fit (65)
4/06/2016 5:23 AM(In reply to this)
Bring me. Let's do it.
SeattleFight (509)
4/06/2016 6:48 AM(In reply to this)
You can be my son but w're gonna brawl too
guy fit (65)
4/06/2016 7:05 AM(In reply to this)
Of course daddy. Bring it. After I beat up the other son & you beat up the other daddy ill take you on
capnramrod (6)
3/12/2016 8:35 AM(In reply to this)
may have to fight you over this one, bud....
tighttrunks45 (3)
4/07/2016 9:40 AM(In reply to this)
yea ill fight you too for the younger lad!
jobberjayse (31 )
3/12/2016 7:38 PM(In reply to this)
Coach Ram, hope you mean Coach SeaFight and you tag me !!!!
capnramrod (6)
4/06/2016 6:08 AM(In reply to this)
SeaFight or guy fit, son. or all three ;)
jobberjayse (31 )
4/08/2016 4:13 PM(In reply to this)
Coach, ALL THREE (or four or five or more) of you ! You know Ill do my best to defend myself ; but ill inevitably be beaten down (and then Ill get my just rewards !!!!!)
guy fit (65)
4/06/2016 7:06 AM(In reply to this)
Grrrr fuck yes. Bring it
jobberjayse (31 )
4/06/2016 4:11 PM(In reply to this)
damn, i need all three of you to beat the fuck outta me ! two dads and a bro – knocking the daylights outta me ; and then, well, pumping something back in me ; which i will take as an honor !
Dadfights (24)
2/20/2016 6:45 PMWould be hot to get two tag teams going in a Dad/son vs. Dad/Son match.
Maybe the Dads wrestle first, then the sons, winner of each have to wrestle each other.
Losers wrestle each other.
Any ideas men?
Mark uk (293)
2/21/2016 7:03 PM(In reply to this)
Me and my boy are ready for any other dad/son team Please log in to view gallery photos.
TommieBoi1968 (4)
6/21/2024 7:42 AM(In reply to this)
DAMN!!! I would totally love to see the two of you in action against another father & son team in a true tag team match where all of the wrestlers wrestle and not just father vs. father and son vs. son!!! You guys definitely look ready!!
Brawlerb (9)
9/30/2019 2:54 PM(In reply to this)
I would fight your boy over You , Mark Uk
wrestleguy85 (6)
10/02/2019 2:49 PM(In reply to this)
I'd fight you over Mark UK, boy.
KickOutChamp (56)
8/02/2016 7:23 PM(In reply to this)
damn that big pond! I would be so ready with Lil's Shane
wrestlermuc41 (2)
3/11/2016 6:41 PM(In reply to this)
I am Ready!
mikedave01 (8)
2/27/2016 3:18 PM(In reply to this)
You both definitely are ready!
KämpferLPZ (10 )
2/27/2016 9:26 PM(In reply to this)
Yes I am ready, and I have also a young guy, who could fight as my son.
SFFight (70)
2/22/2016 8:12 AM(In reply to this)
And you got a proud dad look on your face. He is a hot son, and I am jealous of him having you as his dad tag partner.
rainer (0)
2/26/2016 8:15 AM(In reply to this)
würde gern mal da mit machen
KämpferLPZ (10 )
2/27/2016 12:16 PM(In reply to this)
na ich auch, hast du nen sohn o.ä. der mitmachen würde?
SFFight (70)
2/21/2016 7:13 PM(In reply to this)
Stats for your boy? Me 5'7" 160lbs
7/24/2016 8:24 PM(In reply to this)
6'3 200 lbs