Depends on mood, but want variety. Hiking trails are good. An empty warehouse, where each impact produces a great echo. Basements, barns, caves, under bridges, in a room full of people, in an echo - ey public bathroom, on a stage in front of a crowd, on a beach, on a pier, on a dark, lonely stretch of road, in an alley, in a rail car... I can go on...
I have no desire to give in front of a crowd but would definitely receive. Although I'd have to receive a price. If I'm going to perform in front of a crowd, I feel its only fair that I at least be compensated.
I come up with a lot of fantasies, but they tend to end up nearly the same way. I like assuming roles of a guy who really deserves punishment. For example, hopping on a rail car, with the intention of harassing some homeless guys, but it turns out that among them is one who easily dominates me, backs me against the side and pummels my gut while others watch and laugh. On a road, a van pulls up with several guys in it, identify me as someone who ripped them off, and proceed to pin me against the side of the van, taking turns on my gut. Alley: yanked into, gutpunched and robbed, assuring them if they let me go with just a good punching, I'd come back for more every week or so, with a bit more money they could "steal" from me. Cave: being kidnapped, then finding myself there, surrounded by sasquatch kinda critters, who are amused by how relatively soft and weak I am, and the sounds that come out of me when they jam a fist or foot into my gut.
Sometimes though, what really ends up happening is stranger than anything that can be imagined. I do spend a lot of time thinking about experiences that mix fear and testosterone, like having butterflies in my stomach that are being punched.
A lot of those sound fun. Maybe the pier one could be a bunch of sailors found something to be mad at you about, so you get beaten all up and down the pier.
slimp (0)
6/19/2019 5:27 AMDepends on mood, but want variety. Hiking trails are good. An empty warehouse, where each impact produces a great echo. Basements, barns, caves, under bridges, in a room full of people, in an echo - ey public bathroom, on a stage in front of a crowd, on a beach, on a pier, on a dark, lonely stretch of road, in an alley, in a rail car... I can go on...
Juggernaut (0)
1/05/2020 7:14 PM(In reply to this)
I have no desire to give in front of a crowd but would definitely receive. Although I'd have to receive a price. If I'm going to perform in front of a crowd, I feel its only fair that I at least be compensated.
Taren23 (0 )
6/19/2019 3:56 PM(In reply to this)
Rail car, stretch of road, bathroom, alley, and pier sound fun. So do caves. How do you think some of those would go?
slimp (0)
6/20/2019 4:09 AM(In reply to this)
I come up with a lot of fantasies, but they tend to end up nearly the same way. I like assuming roles of a guy who really deserves punishment. For example, hopping on a rail car, with the intention of harassing some homeless guys, but it turns out that among them is one who easily dominates me, backs me against the side and pummels my gut while others watch and laugh. On a road, a van pulls up with several guys in it, identify me as someone who ripped them off, and proceed to pin me against the side of the van, taking turns on my gut. Alley: yanked into, gutpunched and robbed, assuring them if they let me go with just a good punching, I'd come back for more every week or so, with a bit more money they could "steal" from me. Cave: being kidnapped, then finding myself there, surrounded by sasquatch kinda critters, who are amused by how relatively soft and weak I am, and the sounds that come out of me when they jam a fist or foot into my gut.
Sometimes though, what really ends up happening is stranger than anything that can be imagined. I do spend a lot of time thinking about experiences that mix fear and testosterone, like having butterflies in my stomach that are being punched.
Taren23 (0 )
6/20/2019 4:49 AM(In reply to this)
A lot of those sound fun. Maybe the pier one could be a bunch of sailors found something to be mad at you about, so you get beaten all up and down the pier.
commandertc (76)
6/18/2019 2:53 PMRing inside old barn , secluded and no one to save you or hesr your screams
Gutboxer (48)
6/18/2019 1:59 PMAlways wanted to be in a secluded camping area slugging guts in a natural setting. Put me shirtless up against a tree and punch away.
ruffguystuff (1)
6/17/2019 5:53 PMRoughest and best was several years ago on a full moon night in the desert, outside of Del Rio Tx on the border......
BigScorpio55 (5 )
6/15/2019 3:19 PMOld room in a vacant warehouse or old house
HarborFighter (53 )
6/13/2019 5:49 AMI've had some burning hot fights on the beach. Several beaches. East coast and west coast alike. Please log in to view gallery photos.
GruntOutLoud (0)
6/12/2019 11:51 AMForest or barn .... lots of things to restrain a guy, but really anywhere, anytime!
CelticFire (26 )
6/12/2019 5:58 PM(In reply to this)
And beat you so long, punch the chest and gut hair right off you.
Juggernaut (0)
1/05/2020 7:18 PM(In reply to this)
Speaking of which why is there no chest punching interest groups? The chest deserves equal time, don't you think?
GruntOutLoud (0)
6/14/2019 4:58 AM(In reply to this)
SO much better than shaving or waxing! ;o)
CelticFire (26 )
6/12/2019 5:27 AMWhy not all lol
Rt ND Guts (4)
6/11/2019 12:46 PMOld house, or empty Gym restraints. and plenty of time to work each other over
luis2083 (1)
6/11/2019 8:35 AMyour fantasy where and why? Sesión gutpunching