The first match where my nipples were attacked and and used for punishment to submission happened in an unplanned and unexpected way. It was against a guy I wrestled on a regular basis. He was a more experienced, skilled, and advanced wrestler with a vast arsenal of submission holds that he enjoyed using on me. He easily won most of his matches with me. This one day, I was doing unusually well getting him to submit to my headlocks and finding ways to get out of his holds without tapping out. I had gotten ahead by five submissions to two and it looked like I was finally going to have a winning session. With his head wrapped in my right arm against my chest, I had sunk in another really good headlock. The angle was right and I could feel that I was applying enough force to get another submission. I enjoyed the feeling of not only dominating him but that I was about to win this meet by six submissions to two. As I pulled in my right arm and squeezed his head hard against my right pec, I felt a strange sensation that quickly became a sharp burning pain. I looked down and saw his mouth pressed against my chest and realized he had gripped my nipple between his teeth. The momentary shock gave way to realizing that I needed an immediate way out so I released the headlock. I couldn't say "I give" fast enough. He had hardly released his teeth from my right nipple when I felt them sinking into my left nipple. When I submiited and released my hold, he had instantly gone to the other side of my chest and applied a second nipple lock there. I submitted to him again and now the score had become 5 to 4 - visions of a 6 to 2 victory had evaporated in seconds. He went on to win (again). Eventually, I got to where I could withstand nipple locks longer since I didn't want to give up using headlocks against him.
Just tweaking an opponents nipples in a match as happens in many videos doesn't do much for me. Maybe that's the difference between nipple play and nipple work or nipple punishment to submission. I would like to see matches where the nipple lock is considered a legal hold and can be held as long as necessary to gain a submission from an opponent.
I found myself in a match with another bigger guy and we were doing some great back and forth when he got me down in a cross body style pin position and was using a claw hold on my low gut. With my legs kicking and body straining I thought I was about out of his trap when he sucked my nipple into his mouth HARD and I froze, then shook at the sensation. He sucked hard and began chewing deep at the base making me groan and even cry out in shock. He kept up the work and then began laying in fists to my low abs as he sucked and chewed. The sensation was so erotic and painful I could not bring myself to ask him to stop. His hand grabbed my cock and pulled a few times making sure he had me hard then went back to punches and alternating grabs and pulls to my cock. I am not sure but think it was a good 5 minutes of this before I heard myself moan "harder" and he bit down deep making me yell my submission. When he sat back in on his heels my nipple was wet, bruised and my trunks had a wet spot and I could barely wear a shirt for 2 days. Ever since then he had a go to move to break me mentally and he knows how to use it.
Sweig (0)
7/13/2024 8:37 PMThe first match where my nipples were attacked and and used for punishment to submission happened in an unplanned and unexpected way. It was against a guy I wrestled on a regular basis. He was a more experienced, skilled, and advanced wrestler with a vast arsenal of submission holds that he enjoyed using on me. He easily won most of his matches with me. This one day, I was doing unusually well getting him to submit to my headlocks and finding ways to get out of his holds without tapping out. I had gotten ahead by five submissions to two and it looked like I was finally going to have a winning session. With his head wrapped in my right arm against my chest, I had sunk in another really good headlock. The angle was right and I could feel that I was applying enough force to get another submission. I enjoyed the feeling of not only dominating him but that I was about to win this meet by six submissions to two. As I pulled in my right arm and squeezed his head hard against my right pec, I felt a strange sensation that quickly became a sharp burning pain. I looked down and saw his mouth pressed against my chest and realized he had gripped my nipple between his teeth. The momentary shock gave way to realizing that I needed an immediate way out so I released the headlock. I couldn't say "I give" fast enough. He had hardly released his teeth from my right nipple when I felt them sinking into my left nipple. When I submiited and released my hold, he had instantly gone to the other side of my chest and applied a second nipple lock there. I submitted to him again and now the score had become 5 to 4 - visions of a 6 to 2 victory had evaporated in seconds. He went on to win (again). Eventually, I got to where I could withstand nipple locks longer since I didn't want to give up using headlocks against him.
Just tweaking an opponents nipples in a match as happens in many videos doesn't do much for me. Maybe that's the difference between nipple play and nipple work or nipple punishment to submission. I would like to see matches where the nipple lock is considered a legal hold and can be held as long as necessary to gain a submission from an opponent.
RoughProRassler (0)
1/03/2025 3:33 PM(In reply to this)
I found myself in a match with another bigger guy and we were doing some great back and forth when he got me down in a cross body style pin position and was using a claw hold on my low gut. With my legs kicking and body straining I thought I was about out of his trap when he sucked my nipple into his mouth HARD and I froze, then shook at the sensation. He sucked hard and began chewing deep at the base making me groan and even cry out in shock. He kept up the work and then began laying in fists to my low abs as he sucked and chewed. The sensation was so erotic and painful I could not bring myself to ask him to stop. His hand grabbed my cock and pulled a few times making sure he had me hard then went back to punches and alternating grabs and pulls to my cock. I am not sure but think it was a good 5 minutes of this before I heard myself moan "harder" and he bit down deep making me yell my submission. When he sat back in on his heels my nipple was wet, bruised and my trunks had a wet spot and I could barely wear a shirt for 2 days. Ever since then he had a go to move to break me mentally and he knows how to use it.
dewrestler (2)
1/02/2025 7:27 PM(In reply to this)
Sounds like a great way to battle.Both locked on going for submission