bare knuckle fist fighters

Any REAL fistfighters?

FistfighterSouthend (6)

4/09/2023 10:50 AM

I agree! Better fights with lads who don’t get on. I only fight guys I don’t like or have feel out with


Travis11 (0 )

4/12/2023 3:24 PM

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you mean like fight and move on,


BrawlerNV (3)

4/11/2023 2:23 AM

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Definitely agree with that. Frequently I will work to piss off my opponenteither immediately before or during the fight


FistfighterSouthend (6)

4/08/2023 8:33 AM

Agreee, fights with needle is better - I am not to be friends


Groundfighter123 (0 )

3/13/2023 1:27 PM

I wanna fight.


Fighter UK (23)

3/13/2023 1:35 PM

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Yup same here


NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

2/04/2023 6:04 AM

I'm thinking a lot about the risks lately. I still have a thing for brawls, but I'm nowhere near as crazy as in the past. Guess I'd still consider doing it with an opponent, I'm really attracted to, who has similar stats and experience, but I'm into consensual bk brawling, not bk boxing.


Bareknucklefighter (2)

4/03/2023 6:46 AM

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Too bad we are not closer


Andrew Bluebear (3 )

4/03/2023 1:15 AM

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I think for most people the issue is having enough time off after to recover from this type of fighting…



2/05/2023 7:25 AM

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Looser must be slave


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/22/2023 9:44 AM

I'm in to fight.


OxfordToughman (1)

2/07/2023 5:03 AM

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You’re a fucking fake. And everyone knows it. You finger your cunt and fantasize about being a real fighter like me.


FistfighterSouthend (6)

4/03/2023 2:39 AM

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This from a man with no past opponents



2/04/2023 2:46 AM

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Love to fight you.
Love to punch to the head, so we both get dizzy.


Boxeur puncheur (7)

1/18/2023 1:34 PM

So many clowns ghost liars there!!!
The last one that never showed up is : WSWRSTLR !!!!
A scared liar , that I spoke with him for more than a year and at the end : NOTHING!!!
Don’t waste your time with this clown guys !!!


OxfordToughman (1)

1/18/2023 10:16 PM

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Well, I show up. And I put up. If you ever want to go real bareknux let me know.


FistfighterSouthend (6)

4/10/2023 8:16 AM

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Fuck u Cunt


Boxeur puncheur (7)

1/18/2023 11:11 PM

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I ‘m in but you will need to come in NYC man


LBFighter (21)

1/18/2023 10:28 PM

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If you ever get to California, I'll take that challenge


Fighter UK (23)

1/18/2023 1:51 PM

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Two others to avoid



Had street fights arranged and then they blocked me and vanished on the day

Real shame


FistfighterSouthend (6)

1/22/2023 1:45 PM

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Why block me? Let’s get facts right! You blocked me day before the fight


FistfighterSouthend (6)

1/21/2023 7:57 AM

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Went on to this guys profile on thd day before the fight & the lying Cunt had blocked me! So actually the one to avoid is this prick!


Boxeur puncheur (7)

1/18/2023 9:17 PM

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Thank you for sharing, so much clowns I said…!!!
We should create a group when we can’t warn on the website of all the names that are not what they pretend to be !!! And no wasting our time because of them and bla-bla bla bla !!!


Boxeur puncheur (7)

1/18/2023 1:36 PM

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No apologies, no text NOTHING NOTHING and I couldn’t put a note on the site , impossible !!!
Please share the info !!


fightguy (18)

1/18/2023 9:59 AM

yes, agreed. Would only add, 'and not insane/crazy'. Win/lose, want to be able to fight another day.


Fighter UK (23)

1/18/2023 6:47 AM

Yes. When I can


OxfordToughman (1)

1/17/2023 5:21 PM

Maybe I have a different definition of bareknuckle fistfighting. To me, it includes punches with closed fists, no gloves, and strikes to head and face. And body. It can be standing only. Like bareknuckle boxing. Or it can be an all-out brawl, with ground fighting. But even then, there must be punches to head and face with ungloved bareknuckle fists.

So anyone in this group actually fistfight?


FistfighterSouthend (6)

4/10/2023 8:17 AM

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Bring it!!!


BoxNWrestleFun (5)

3/06/2023 6:52 PM

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I accept your challenge with enthusiasm! I'm looking forward to showing you what I'm made of and proving that I have what it takes to come out on top. So bring your A-game, because I can't wait to put you in your place and claim victory!


OxfordToughman (1)

3/06/2023 6:56 PM

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Keep dreaming.


FistfighterSouthend (6)

2/03/2023 1:18 AM

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Bring it - up to battter u


LBFighter (21)

1/17/2023 8:11 PM

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I am in complete agreement. And I prefer fights that are more unfriendly than friendly in nature.


BrawlerNV (3)

1/19/2023 10:58 PM

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Totally agree with this. And to that end, the one thing I say is that the dominating fighter decides when it's over.


OxfordToughman (1)

1/19/2023 11:50 PM

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I definitely agree with that.


FistfighterSouthend (6)

4/11/2023 8:08 PM

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Fight me Oxford


NWFi9htr (6)

4/12/2023 10:14 AM

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Anywhere u bellend

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