
Member since 2.2 years
Age 43
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 130 lbs (59 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Gear Singlet, speedo, shorts, spandex
Last login yesterday
Last update 5/18/2024


Show on map
  1. USA - New York, City of New York
    Place of residence

Past opponents


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission
Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Workout partner, Looking for coach

Stand-up fighting: Not interested in stand-up fighting

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, I have access to mats, Friendship, Stakes

Fetishes: Jackoff, Spandex, Wrestling gear, Muscle worship

Followers of MikeNYC


Kinda new to this. Only wrestled a few people.
Oh, and I have mats now. 6x6ft.

(Jan 2024) Took a long break from wrestling. After two surgeries (not a sports injury) and finally regaining most of the weight I lost I might be interested in starting again.
(Feb 2024) Met a couple great guys during wrestlefest. And there are already a couple locals I'm looking forward to seeing.


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MikeNYC has no cyber opponents.