

Member since 2.4 years
Age 69
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 163 lbs (74 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Looking for Male
Gear Both guys shirtless, nude could work too
Languages spoken English
Last login 5/20/2024
Last update 4/23/2023



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  1. USA - New Jersey, Englewood
    Place of residence


Boxing Boxing

Miscellaneous interests: Friendship

Fetishes: Gut punching

Followers of marquis419


I like GP, always have, although I don't know why. I don't have a lot of experience doing it (I would like to get more experience), but I love to read about it, watch it (videos), talk about it (cyber sessions – I love to work over a hot guy in chat). I've also done phone GP, but not in a long time.

Cyber is about all I can do these days, as I am currently dealing with a disability that makes it almost impossible for me to travel, and I'm unable to host. :(

I prefer text chat (me and another guy typing back-and-forth in real time) to video chat.

I checked off "boxing," but I have no real interest in boxing. Boxing for me would be only a means to an end.

Under "Fetishes," I would like to be able to say, "Gut punching. Also, gut punching."

I would work over any kind of gut – whether hard 6-packs or big (maybe not *too* big) hanging bellies.


marquis419 has no cyber opponents.