Mark uk's blog
Thank you
I just wanted to thank everyone for the kind wishes following my recent operation. I am pleased to say that the recovery is going really well and am already back at BJJ and putting jay219 back through his paces. Competitive stuff if off the menu for a couple more weeks but light stuff is cool.
So what about the tumour itself. Well the great news is that it has now been confirmed as benign so I get the all clear.
Love this community and the support you offer. Thanks again and long live our sport.
cheers Mark
Sir David (44)
11/21/2014 6:26 PMGreat to hear you got the all clear Mark.
ImtiazAli (198)
11/21/2014 9:33 PMGood stuff Mark.
SileX (211 )
11/21/2014 11:25 PMI'm happy for you!