MeetFighters News
Photo Sharing on Chat, Webcam Support
Hello Fighters,
I hope everyone has survived New Year's, and made resolutions to meet a new member every week!
Work on the new Chat page is ongoing. Thanks to everyone for the feedback, except for that one guy who started to complain about blocking. (Sigh...)
So what's new there? Photo sharing is now embedded into the chat. When you are in a private chat, there's a photo icon near the top right of the page. Clicking it will allow you to send one of your photos to the other person, or upload a new one to share with them. I think this is pretty cool and bound to make the chat experience more streamlined.
I am also working on experimental support for webcams. Unfortunately support for this very new web technology is still spotty. I have added a "Webcam" button to profile pages that lets you test drive it, but don't expect it to work very spectacularly. Browsers like Internet Explorer and Safari do not support the necessary technology and there seems to be a bug affecting Firefox, so for now, Opera and Chrome are the only working alternatives. I'm working on improving that.
I am also investigating the possibility of toggling a more compact view for the message list – some do not seem to like the pictures there. Maybe a darker theme too, as some mentioned that the white is too white.
– Admin
edscissors (30 )
1/07/2018 3:52 PMBigger ... better ... more ... You are very generous with your time and energies, Admin. Thank you for all you do: it is much appreciated.
Kevin42 (15)
1/07/2018 4:43 PMThank you for all that you do.
LuckyLarryLoser (44)
1/08/2018 10:59 AMThank you for all you do. You invest so much time improving the site. Appreciate your work Admin...whoever you are!
Slookm (2)
7/03/2018 10:33 AMI'd like to jump in and say , you have built the best site and continue work to find ways to improve and try new things to make it even better . Your tireless push to create and find ways to improve it and make it the best is endless ! Not enough thanks and pats on the back can ever find it's way to you guys for all your hard work and devotion creating a great place for so many guys to meet up and find new wrestling , fighting buddies and friends.
Thanks to All of you ! Great work !! Most of you 'we' don't even know what you do or have any idea of the real work that goes into operating a site like this.
Here's a Big Pat on the back and I'd luv to buy you all a few beers, Or whatever your choice may be , anytime the chance might arise.
Your all Super !
bayridgefighter (3 )
6/08/2019 12:58 PMThanks for looking into this webcam technology feature you proposing ..I see the comments are kind of dated back last summer 2018 let us know if there's any updates on the progress of getting the webcam up thanks have a great summer George Plagianos.