
97624 recommendations

DFW fighter is recommended by yousubmit81 (5/14/2024)

Great guy, fun to wrestle, very fit.


funwrestling is recommended by wrestler122001 (5/13/2024)

J ai eu l honneur d être le premier partenaire de Funwrestling
je n ai pas été déçu !!!!!!!!!
Ce jeune débutant avec qui j étais en contact depuis quelques temps,
c est présenté un peu réservé au début de la rencontre.
Il a une volonté évidente d apprendre et ca lui plait.
Par ailleurs Il possède un bon cardio grâce a une activité physique régulière
En plus de ces qualités physiques , il enregistre très vite les prises
. il les met en pratique , triangle , ciseaux , étranglements ,
A la fin d une heure et demie de combat , il m a infliger un superbe ciseau tête et un étranglement top!!!!
Et en Il en redemande .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
En dehors du tapis garçon très sympathique


alfra is recommended by mektonsport (5/13/2024)

J’ai fait une bonne petite séance de pecpunching et de gutpunching avec Alfra qui s est bien occupé de moi et j’ai à peine senti ces petits coups ) un garçon gentil et attentionné
Merci je ferai mieux une prochaine fois


jadwingillies is recommended by Wrestle Punk (5/13/2024)

I REALLY enjoyed tossing this guy around. He’s cute, in great shape, and soaked up all my moves perfectly. Sells KOs really well and he’s my new favorite little jobber boy 😁

Also very chill and easy to talk to. Would definitely dominate him any time I get the chance.


rowdybear is recommended by Benofduty (5/13/2024)

Rowdy was highly recommended by pretty much everyone I asked for suggestions on who to meet up with during my trip to St. Louis, and they were absolutely right! He turned out to be an amazing companion for the day. Rowdy treated me to a drink and we had a great conversation before we hit the mats! We had an intense match with several submissions and pins. Rowdy was stronger and more experienced than me, but I like to think I held my own against the St. Louis champion! I am looking forward to visiting St. Louis again for a rematch and more conversations with Rowdy!


wrestlerdu is recommended by Recke (5/13/2024)

Schön, dass wrestlerdu uns in Zürich bei den Open Mats Events besucht hat.

wrestlerdu bringt viel Erfahrung und Kraft auf die Matte, es hat viel Spass gemacht, aber auch viel Energie gekostet :-). Dabei verhält er sich stets fair und respektvoll.

Bist jederzeit wieder willkommen in Zürich!


AgentPoseidon is recommended by LVrassler (5/13/2024)

This stud is a strong, well-trained wrestler who has a great mat setup. Respectful of limits, likes and dislikes. We had a great match and I would be honored to throw down with him again anytime


ukfighter is recommended by Ivan Sánchez (5/13/2024)

An excellent match by UKFighter
Good person, strong and quite experienced, tough as nails.
No doubt he can kick your ass.
If you get a chance to challenge him, do it.

Hope to see him again in the future to measure ourselves again 🤘🏽👊🏽


JobberSeat23 is recommended by maineagle93 (5/13/2024)

This dude with some very real learned skills hides with a name like jobberseat and then knows exactly how to throw me around and pin thoroughly as well.

We meshed very well, very fast, with a good back and forth of dominating and sweat. He's definitely got some fire in him, so do not expect a push over at all.. unless you ask for that. He was an excellent jobber when he wanted to be, but has the skill and power to turn things around.

Very fun, very cute, very good 😊


Delfino is recommended by DenverWrestler (5/13/2024)

Had a great time with this Latin hunk – he's big, strong, sexy, and very friendly and personable. He plays rugby and has super strong legs along with a very muscular upper body. But at the same time he's a sweet kind guy and very enjoyable to talk with. We didn't have enough space for an intense match, but that was probably better for me since I'm sure he could have destroyed me if he wanted. 😁
Overall it was a wonderful time, and I was fortunate to be able to meet him. I recommend him highly.

97624 recommendations